About AGS
President - Gregory Newton
Vice President - Jordan Charnofsky
Secretary - Michael Camp
Treasurer - Mark Achuff
Website - Mark Achuff, Randall Tobin
Chairman - David Norton
JC De Luna
Bryan Fasola
Grazyna Newton
Pedro Bautista
AGS Community Liaison - Mark Achuff
Michael Camp
Gregory Newton
Vahdah Olcott Bickford
The American Guitar Society was founded in 1923 by Vahdah Olcott Bickford who was born in Norwalk, Ohio in 1885 and died in Los Angeles in 1980. She was considered one of the foremost concert guitarists in the United States from 1910 to 1957 at which time she retired from the stage to devote the rest of her life to teaching and publishing.
"The purpose of the AGS," as she states in the minutes of the meeting of the board in 1923, "is to promote interest in classical guitar through the educational program, encourage composers to enrich literature and to develop both a scholarship and publication fund."
In 1974 the California State University, Northridge Music Department began to host the regular monthly meetings of the AGS and since that time numerous educational activities have transpired through this mutual arrangement, i.e., the International Concert Series, master classes given by national and international artists, funding Young Artist Concerts and especially providing a platform for students, amateurs and budding young artists. From September 2024 the American Guitar Society resides at the home of its new host, the FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH at 7500 De Soto Ave in Canoga Park, CA 91303, beginning another new chapter in its long history and maintaining its full range of activities.
The AGS continues to meet the first Saturday of every month (occasionally, due to holidays, the meetings will be moved to the second Saturday.) On a historical note, before covid, the AGS had missed only four meetings since 1923: the deaths of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, gasoline rationing in 1943, and the 1994 Northridge earthquake.
A short history of AGS can be seen here.
For a longer, detailed dissertation by Kathy Acosta Zavala on Vahdah Olcott Bickford and the American Guitar Society, click here.

The Mission of the American Guitar Society is to Promote the beauty of the Classical Guitar via Education, Scholarships, Concerts, and monthly Meetings where members perform.
YOU ARE INVITED to attend the monthly meetings of the American Guitar Society held at the FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH at 7500 De Soto Ave in Canoga Park, CA 91303. We are an organization dedicated to the interests of those who enjoy classical guitar music. Since 1923 the Society has presented monthly programs, featuring solo and ensemble performances of classical guitar music from the Renaissance to the present. To attend our meetings and/or to sign up to perform at an upcoming meeting, click here.
What does the American Guitar Society have to offer you?
A monthly Newsletter telling activities of the AGS and the classical guitar community.
The opportunity for you to perform before an appreciative audience.
A free exchange of ideas with other guitarists, teachers and students, amateurs and professionals.
A chance to become familiar with a greater variety of music for the classical guitar.
In addition to our regular monthly meetings, the Society presents a guitar concert series featuring outstanding professional artists. Visit the Events page for more information.
Meetings are held in the main sanctuary of the FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH at 7500 De Soto Ave in Canoga Park, CA 91303. Meetings start at 7:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of each month (with an occasional change to the second Saturday due to Holidays and conflicting events).
Should you wish to join after attending one of our meetings, visit the Join AGS page here.
For more information, you may use our CONTACT form to let us answer your questions.